Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can Girls Wear Tuxedos?


This week's assignment reminded me of a girl in my high school. Every year we had a Mr. Saugus High pageant. Shannon Fitzpatrick just wanted to have fun, like the boys, in this pageant. There was so much controversy when she decided to do this. The principal didn't seem to have a stand on either side, but students didn't see why she felt the need to be a part of the pageant. In the article one student asked why she was even involved in something that was tradition. Shannon was also the president of the Gay Straight Alliance that we had in the school. Due to all the controversy, Shannon pulled the Title XI information out and said that she had every right to participate because there was not another activity for girls like this one. This article also points out that the girls just look pretty for this while the boys have to act "manly". The girls dressed in ball gowns and the guys had to wear tuxedos.

There is another article in the New York Times news paper about cross dressing. Students just want to experiment and see where they can push their limits. This one school had a "Mix 'N Match" day where the teachers assumed the kids would dress with polka dots and stripes, but there were about 50 students who went to school in the opposite sex's clothing. Some teachers just couldn't handle this. I am not sure why, though. I remember a boy who came into school with a dress on one day and he was sent to the principal's office and told to change.

Why does it matter what people wear? Can't people just accept that others want to dress in what they think is comfortable? There is no right or wrong way to dress. Is there anything wrong in either of these cases?


  1. great blog! i don't think it should matter on what students what to wear. Especially in public schools they should be able to express themselves freely.

  2. there have been girls in my high school who showed up to prom in a tux, no one cared at all, the principle greeted her with a smile and said you look great! also a girl in the connecting suite in my dorm has a tux and wears ties its not a big deal at all. she will ask us our opinion on her outfits when she goes out, we only met this year and she is comfortable enough to do this because she knows we dont judge her and dont care what she wears

  3. this is a good question...why can't prom king be a guy...this type of post make you think

  4. i totally agree with steph with her comment about how (esp. in public schools) kids should feel comfortable to wear what they want. i totally wish we had something like that at my high school

  5. i agree with steph and rachel.. students should be able to express themselves freely and i know a boat load of girls that wore tuxs to prom. no one made a big deal out of it at all!

  6. girls can definitely wear sex in the city 2, SJP wore a tux and not one movie critic said anything about it so if she can do, any girl can

  7. this was awesome! people should be able to wear what they want! people should feel comfortable wearing whatever they want!!!

  8. Hi! I just stopped by to say that I googled my name and found this, and it's really weird because I didn't think another Amanda would have my last name too! hahaha

  9. Girls can wear tuxedos-that's the answer to the title of your post. Tuxedos can be worn by women provided that it is measured according to her size. Some of men tuxedos can't be worn by women because it's too big for them and not good to look at.
